Monday, February 24, 2014

On February 19, 2014 an Earth bound Angel got her wings, my aunt Phyllis Landeryou past away. She touched so many lives throughout the years. She deeply touched mine in so many ways that she doesn't even know. I would like to apologize to her, my late cousin Janice and cousin Tom Landeryou, when I was a child, my sister and myself were in a car accident and those people were notified about it and had to come to the hospital for us as our parents were away on a business trip.  That was not fair to you and I should have not told the police officer at the scene to go to your houses.
Love you Aunt Phyllis with all my heart, I miss you and well never forget you, say hello to Janice and Uncle Tom for me and give them my love.  You truly made this World a better place, God Bless you.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Go Blue Go Bald

I am participating in the Go Blue Go Bald fundraiser event for Make a Wish Foundation.  This event is to help make dreams come true for kids.  I already have blue hair and on Wednesday Feb 24th I am getting my head shaved.  I am hoping that people I know will sponsor me for this great cause.  To sponsor me please click this link:
Sponsor Mark Landeryou

Here are a couple pictures of me with blue hair

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Life is Strange sometimes

I got the news on Wednesday January 26th that my daughter Emily had been hit by a car and had a broken leg. So the next day Lisa and I took the train to Sarnia to see her. Emily's left lower leg was broken and she had surgury to fix it and put a cast on it. It was extremely hard for me to see her hurt like that. I wanted to trade places with her.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fire Gary Betman and Give Jim Balsillie a team

Gary Betman is making that NHL turn to crap and he hates Canada and Canadians. Let's think about this Mr Betman, Mr Basillie is a muti-billionare and business owner. He (Mr Basillie) is not going to make any stupid business decisions and he has proven that. And also look at the fact that the Phoenix Coyotes have lost money every year since they moved from Canada. Phoenix is not a hockey market and never will be. They are going to lose money as long as they stay there. Which is costing the league and other teams money. So is this such a good idea, Hell no if a business is losing money like the Coyotes have they company would go Bankrupt. Gee Bankrupt that sounds familar there Gary Betman, the Coyotes are Bankrupt, You moron.

Then we can start talking about the stupid rule changes that Mr Betman has made to the game, soon hockey is going to be a no contact sport if we keep him as the President of the NHL. Honestly we need someone like Ken Dryden to run the NHL he has played the game at that level, and he is also a lawyer and a very smart man. Fighting is part of hockey and it always should be part of the game. If it is not then you have players using their sticks as weapons. That could end someones career or possibly their life. I was a lacrosse player and I was used to getting cross-checked that is part of Lacrosse, and I am saying that I don't like the stick work in the game of either Lacrosse or Hockey. Then we go the rule of the puck going over the boards, that is a delay of the game penalty, yeah there is an awesome way of costing a team the Stanley Cup. The officials should be treated like adults that they are and be given discretion on this call.

Just given Jim Basillie a team in Hamilton and quit being a total jackass with no intelligence there Gary Betman.

Monday, March 2, 2009

How I feel as of late

My head feels like it has been put in a couple of vices and they have been tightened until they can not be tightened anymore. My eyes hurt, my hair even hurts, and I have been doing a lot more sleeping and nothing the doctors are doing seems to be helping and I am beyond frustrated with it all. I love Lisa more then anything in this World for her Love and support in these times, and stresses.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Becher Clown will be missed

Ken Bradley, aka The Becher Clown and Santa Claus pasted on, and will be missed. I did not know Ken Bradley very long as I am married into the family. I married Ken's granddaughter Lisa Bradley in 2007, arguably the best day of my life. But the short time that I did get to spent with grandpa Bradley, I will treasure as we was a great man with a good sense of humour. He loved his family and the kids and it showed. Yes he will be missed and please remember his saying,"If you haven't smiled today.... Then please do so now."

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pink Ink Day @ Neon Crab Tattoos & Piecings

Lisa and I went to Neon Crab & Piercings for Pink Ink Day(October 11th) to help support Breast Cancer Research. Both Lisa and I got pink ribbon tattoos, Lisa's tattoo (her first tattoo) is on her ankle) mine (my second tattoo) is on my chest on the right hand side. Charity did Lisa's tattoo and Will the shop's owner did mine. Will is a World class tattoo artist and all around amazing person. I would recommend Will and Neon Crab to anyone looking to get a tattoo they also do piercings as well, if that is your thing. The Neon Crab is run by the administrative manager Kaz and she is also an amazing person and both Will and Kaz will have you laughing and relaxed and feeling comfortable in no time.

Kaz also makes amazing jewelry that she sells at the shop, her business is called the Purple Turtle Jewelry. Where they make custom made earrings, bracelets, necklaces and more.

Will can do due anything you want to have done in the world of both Tattoos and Piercings, check out their Web Site. Forget about Miami Ink and the show Ink, we have just as good of a tattoo artist, if not better here in London, in Will of Neon Crab.

Neon Crab Tattoos & Piercings is located 1050 Kipps Lane London ON, Phone (519) 433-2722.
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Mark Landeryou's Blog by Mark Landeryou is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada License.